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Custom photo grave blanket that covers the ground above a grave. These grave blankets can be customized with different photos and colors. Made with a waterproof and UV resistant material to last through all seasons.

*Standard grave blanket is 3x6' ( Please contact seller for custom sizes. Example: Child, Pet and Double plots)

*Custom themes are available for an additional fee.

* Grave Blanket only, does not include rocks and accessories.

Steps to ordering:
1.Choose Color (There is a choice to keep the colors as they are in the template. If there is more than one color in the template that you would like to changed please include that in a personal message.)
2.Go to Add your Personalization (This is where you can add your own text. Example: Name, Birth and Death Dates, and any Short Special message
3.Once Order is placed ab link will be sent to your email for you to send in pictures( Please be mindful of image quality ** blurry images, photos of photos, screenshots and photos apart of another design should not be used**. Remeber (Collages can not be used) Please include order number. Please allow 24 hours for responses to messages. Thank You!

Baby/Child Grave Blanket

Primary Color
Secondary Color

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